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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Ealing: Improving vaccine uptake across the borough

Ealing council's COVID-19 Vaccine Working Group made important decisions through analysing data on vaccine uptake in the borough to engage communities from low socio-economic groups and ethnic minority backgrounds.

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Thurrock: Early years artificial intelligence powered wellbeing support

Thurrock council used artificial intelligence technology and co-produced an interactive app with families and local professionals to support on breast and bottle feeding, immunisations, sleep, play, mental health, diet, and oral health.

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Bradford: Making a difference with a dedicated women's health network

The Women’s Health Network in Bradford has been at the forefront of tackling the health inequalities women face for the past five years. It holds regular meetings, hosts talks, events, focus groups and workshops to influence service design and engage women from all communities.

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Lancashire: Creating a menopause-friendly workplace

Lancashire County Council has taken a range of steps to improve the way it supports menopause in the workplace. Workshops, peer support groups and an online chat channel have been provided, creating a much more friendly and supportive environment for staff going through the transition.

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Liverpool: Setting up a network of women's health hubs

Liverpool City Council has worked with the local NHS to set up a network of women’s health hubs in GP surgeries. The hubs offer both NHS and council-commissioned services from cervical screening to long-acting reversible contraception (LARC).

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Manchester: Developing a bespoke weight management offer for south Asian women

The Manchester Healthy Weight Strategy identifies Black and Asian residents as being a cohort particularly at risk of obesity. So, after noticing low uptake of weight management support among South Asian women, Manchester City Council has helped to fund a programme specifically targeting them.

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Southend: Supporting the health needs of female street-based sex workers

A drop-in clinic has been established for street-based sex workers in Southend, providing them with access to mental health and sexual health workers and a nurse prescriber. It is part of a wider strategy that has been developed to provide better support to this community of women.

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Swindon: Providing support to women who leave prison

Swindon Borough Council’s public health team has worked with the two organisations which provide in-reach services into prisons to develop a new residential rehab pathway for women when they leave a prison estate.

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Southampton: Creating women-friendly substance misuse services

In Southampton the substance misuse provider Change Grow Live has worked hard to tailor its services to women. This includes setting up women-only groups and offering support and treatment in different locations around the city.

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Kingston: Helping survivors of domestic abuse violence and abuse

The London borough of Kingston has worked with local partners to set up the Kingston Women’s Hub to help women who have experienced domestic violence and abuse. Alongside crisis support, it offers a holistic range of individual and community support to help women thrive.

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