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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Leicester City Council: Every Voice Counts: autism co-production good practice – post- diagnostic support

The NHS England/Improvement short term funded project took place over three months in 2021 and aimed to engage local autistic people and their families.

Plymouth City Council: Plymouth Autistic Employment Project

A partnership project between Plymouth City Council and Seetec Pluss supports autistic people to find and sustain employment.

Telford and Wrekin Council: A risk-based approach to councillor safety

Telford and Wrekin Council were faced with a challenging situation in 2019 when they commissioned an inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation. Councillors were at risk of abuse and aggression from residents and national groups interested in the inquiry. The council took this risk seriously, providing councillors with appropriate and proportionate safety measures depending on the level of risk.

Meaningful Co-Production and Engagement across Derby/Derbyshire

The Derby and Derbyshire Autism Partnership Board (APB) has been established for 10 years, has an autistic co-chair and good representation from commissioners, health, providers, parents, and Experts by Experience (EbE’s). Derbyshire County Council support the APB with Derbyshire Autism Service providing an autism friendly meeting room when required

Celebrating identity and supporting community cohesion in Luton

In a community as diverse as Luton, understanding cultural identity can be challenging, especially when there are those who seek to undermine community cohesion through a narrowing of that identity.

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Teignbridge: creating Garden Communities using digital engagement

Two neighbourhoods of Teignbridge District Council were awarded Garden Community Status in 2019. Residents were offered the opportunity to be part of the plans to build vibrant, green neighbourhoods but the pandemic disrupted face-to-face engagement. Determined to involve local people in the project, the council pioneered a set of digital initiatives, the success of which has given Teignbridge Council the confidence to explore other ways to increase resident participation.

Darlington: using pies and pints to harness the power of community action

Rather than accepting that fewer financial resources mean poorer services, Darlington has shown that with the right approach, residents can be engaged in a way which not only helps maintain service levels but brings the community together.

Exeter: the value of roots in the community, when engaging around wellbeing

Exeter City Council has created Wellbeing Exeter, a strategic alliance with Devon County Council and Sport England, which aims to link up community, healthcare and wellbeing services, and to reinforce local assets which might strengthen wellbeing outcomes.

Warwickshire County Council: children and young people’s Participation and Engagement Strategy

The strategic approach taken by Warwickshire County Council demonstrates how children and young people’s involvement in policy and decision making can be grown and embedded across a council.

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Bright Minds Big Futures Knife Crime Project: Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Bright Minds, Big Futures (BMBF) is a youth-led movement working together with Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council to make the borough a great place to grow up.

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