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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA): getting the basics in place

As the first deal to go through in November 2014, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has spent time laying the foundations for devolution and building the groundwork for its communications activity to ensure the authority gets the basics right.

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North East Combined Authority: putting strong governance in place

Bringing together seven local authorities, one local enterprise partnership and a number of delivery organisations under the umbrella of a single combined authority throws up many challenges. Find out how the Combined Authority overcame these issues to put strong governance in place.

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Liverpool City Region Combined Authority / Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council: staff engagement

Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council - one of the six authority members of Liverpool City Region Combined Authority - has kept devolution high on the agenda, updating staff through regular communications from the chief executive.

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Building sustainability within an organisation

South Staffordshire Council works to build sustainability within the organisation and embed a continuous improvement culture focused on efficiency savings and innovative design solutions.

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West Sussex Council: engaging young people through social media

The council produced two campaigns aimed at helping young people develop healthy relationships.

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Bath and North East Somerset Council – improving voter engagement with video and digital communication

With a local referendum in early 2016, a Police and Crime Commissioner election, and the EU referendum on the cards, Bath and North East Somerset Council wanted to try new communications techniques to increase voter engagement. This case study forms part of our social media strategy resource.

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Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead – using Facebook and video in recruitment

The Trust wanted to attract more nurses to the hospital. Information about nursing and available roles needed to reach a much wider audience and attract more potential candidates.This case study forms part of our social media strategy resource.

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Using social media in targeted campaigns

Healthwatch Kirklees wanted to drive more traffic to Kirklees’ smoke-free website to encourage people to stop smoking before an operation. This case study forms part of our social media strategy resource.

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Best start in life: promoting good emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people

In this briefing you will find examples of councils that are looking at innovative ways to provide support with a focus on children and families rather than static services, as well as more information about the scale of the problem and what steps can be taken.

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Case study - Councils' role in preventing extremism

Local government has a key role to play in preventing people from being drawn into terrorism. The Prevent duty for local authorities contained within the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, sets out the need for all local authorities and others to have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism".