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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Setting up a People's Panel to explore a community's experience of the increased cost of living – Cheshire East Council

Cheshire East Council worked with Positive Money to run a People’s Panel on the cost of living crisis in October 2022.

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Launching an Equalities Assembly to understand what 'good employment' means to residents – North of Tyne Combined Authority

The North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) was established in 2018 with a new, directly elected mayor in May 2019. Set up to support an inclusive economy in the region, the mayor has been keen to engage with all communities and in particular understand the barriers to job participation in the region.

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Designing a park in a day – Snitterfield Parish Council

Snitterfield Parish Council wanted to transform their local playing fields, but with plans costing around £100,000, the project stalled and the community became disengaged. Using seed funding from a county councillor, and working with design experts, the council held an engagement day, inviting residents to come and design the park.

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Challenging misinformation through a Community Champions Network of trusted local voices – Staffordshire County Council

During COVID-19, misinformation circulated among communities and there was some distrust of the council. Communities reported feeling disengaged from official sources. Through Community Champions - trusted voices from the community - Staffordshire County Council has built trust and capability within communities and used existing community networks to relay important health information.

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Focusing on strengths to engage communities – Stroud District Council

Stroud District Council has fundamentally shifted its approach to community engagement. Having learned during COVID-19 that some communities were stepping into frontline service delivery without the necessary skills; the council focused on building capability within communities.

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Working with survivors of domestic violence on the award-winning campaign 'Love is Not Abuse' – Wigan Council

Wigan Council worked closely with survivors of domestic abuse to drive a step change in the borough’s response to this complex social problem. This included an award-winning media and engagement campaign, 'Love is Not Abuse', which challenged widespread assumptions about what constitutes domestic abuse and the most effective ways to communicate with victims.

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Mechanisms to increase supply of one bed housing (Harborough District Council)

Harborough District Council and partners worked together to determine interventions to address the undersupply of one bed homes over time.

Homeless families provision (Plymouth City Council)

Plymouth City Council procured external consultants to advise on potential replacement sites the cities’ primary temporary accommodation facility for homeless families.

2 Matters: Evaluation of an award which promotes improved outcomes for North Tyneside’s vulnerable two year olds

The “2 Matters” award is an audit tool followed by face-to-face professional development over a period of several months. It offers support to all settings with provision for two-year-olds (schools, private and voluntary sector, and childminders).

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Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Stockport Council and Trafford Council: A city region response to the cost of living

Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has been seeking to add value to the work of its 10 member councils by leading a whole system response to the cost of living pressures. This includes data gathering, sharing information, and practical advice for particular groups of residents..

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