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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Gloucestershire county council: how the fire service lent a helping hand to the vaccination programme

Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS) which is part of Gloucestershire County Council, set up two fire stations as vaccination centres with crews responsible for setting up the clinics each morning, helping to vaccinate nearly 2,500 people a day.

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Oldham council: ‘we are the safety net – capturing those left behind in vaccine rollout’

Oldham council is working closely with communities leaders and key partners to address vaccine hesitancy amongst its ethnic minority population.

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Wiltshire council: promoting vaccination among traveller and houseboat communities

Wiltshire Council targeting groups at risk of low uptake, including homeless, traveller and houseboat communities.

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Manchester: how a vaccine tracker and outreach work is helping follow-up with those who decline the vaccine first time round

Manchester developed a tracking system to identify the number of people who have declined vaccines to enable GP practices to recall eligible individuals.

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Cornwall: how we set up mass vaccination sites to take pressure off NHS

Cornwall used this winter’s flu vaccination programme, which for the first time involved people aged 50 to 64, to test out the concept of mass vaccination centres.

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Bristol City Council: bridging the gap between NHS and community

The council has worked closely with the local community since the start of the vaccination programme to encourage good uptake.

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Somerset County Council: running outreach clinics for the homeless

At the start of the pandemic the council set up a homelessness cell - which led to many rough sleepers being encouraged off the streets and into accommodation.

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Camden: avoiding preventable physical health admissions for people with learning disabilities

Camden’s work on avoiding preventable hospital admissions for people with learning disabilities was inspired by two avoidable deaths of people with learning disabilities. These deaths were reviewed via Learning Disability Mortality Reviews (LeDeR) and, subsequently, Safeguarding Adult Reviews for Mr V and Adult W. Through these reviews, Camden Council and its’ health partners working together through the Safeguarding Board, identified that there was a high level of expectation on social care providers in supported living settings to manage physical health risks for people with learning disabilities and, where staff lacked confidence to manage these risks, the result was high levels of attendance at A&E, ambulance callouts and avoidable deterioration in physical health.

Hands Face Space

The Lawnmowers is a Gateshead based theatre group formed in 1986 to offer its work in the community. The organisation is run by and for people with learning disabilities.

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Bradford: Staying Put

Staying Put has continued to ensure as far as possible the safety of women experiencing domestic abuse in the Bradford area