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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Smoke-free Sheffield: a comprehensive approach to making smoking obsolete

Sheffield's vision is for a smoke-free city by 2030, where people live longer and healthier lives and children grow up in environments where smoking is unusual.

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Engaging black and Asian and multi-ethnic communities

In 2020 the south London boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham sought to tackle the inequalities faced by black, Asian and Latin American people by commissioning a sexual health promotion service to work with these communities.

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Bristol: Using vending machines to engage under-served groups

Vending machines offering free sexual health tests are offering alternative way to access HIV and STI testing kits in an effort to reach groups who may traditionally face stigma accessing these services.

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Derby and Derbyshire: Tackling the fragmentation of the sexual health system

In Derby and Derbyshire, local government, the NHS and voluntary sector organisations have set up a partnership to encourage innovation and new ways of working in sexual health. The approach is helping to tackle some of the problems caused by the fragmentation of the system. 

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London Borough of Sutton: ‘MSK Hubs’ rehabilitation delivered at community leisure centres

Early in 2022, two leisure centres in the London Borough of Sutton began delivering therapeutic exercise programmes as part of the MSK Hubs programme.

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Herefordshire: A county-wide network of community wellbeing hubs

The ‘Talk Community’ approach sees Herefordshire Council working in partnership with communities, businesses and residents to offer wellbeing advice, support and signposting to services.

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Northumberland County Council: Heart of Blyth

This case study forms part of Shaping Places for Healthier Lives, a grant programme funding five council-led partnerships across England to build places that support good health for all. The programme is funded by the Health Foundation, delivered in partnership with the Local Government Association, and supported in delivery and learning by the Design Council and Cordis Bright/PPL. 

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Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire: Improving food security at a local level

This case study forms part of Shaping Places for Healthier Lives programme, a grant programme funding five council-led partnerships across England to build places that support good health for all. The programme is funded by the Health Foundation, delivered in partnership with the Local Government Association, and supported in delivery and learning by the Design Council and Cordis Bright/PPL.

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Doncaster Council: Shaping Stainforth

This case study forms part of Shaping Places for Healthier Lives, a grant programme funding five council-led partnerships across England to build places that support good health for all. The programme is funded by the Health Foundation, delivered in partnership with the Local Government Association, and supported in delivery and learning by the Design Council and Cordis Bright/PPL. 

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London Borough of Newham: Food insecurity for 11-19 year olds

This case study forms part of Shaping Places for Healthier Lives, a grant programme funding five council-led partnerships across England to build places that support good health for all. The programme is funded by the Health Foundation, delivered in partnership with the Local Government Association, and supported in delivery and learning by the Design Council and Cordis Bright/PPL. 

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