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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Local and regional action to tackle the harms of smoking in County Durham

Durham County Council and the Tobacco Control Alliance seek to support local smokers to quit while also promoting the conditions that incentivise quitting and prevent smoking uptake.

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Sustaining the smoking quit rate: the Essex Wellbeing Service

The Essex Wellbeing Service offers eight weeks of behavioural support in person, by video, or over the phone to any smoker over the age of 12 who lives in the county.

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Support for smokers and action against illicit tobacco in Medway

The Medway Stop Smoking Service offers behavioural support and stop smoking medicines to all adult smokers in the local population.

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Integrating community and NHS stop smoking services in Salford

Salford Council has worked hard to adapt the community stop smoking service, ensuring that local smokers experience an efficient and seamless service when leaving NHS care.

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Smoke-free Sheffield: a comprehensive approach to making smoking obsolete

Sheffield's vision is for a smoke-free city by 2030, where people live longer and healthier lives and children grow up in environments where smoking is unusual.

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Hertfordshire County Council: Budget scrutiny and budgetary constraints

At the budget scrutiny, a task and finish group approach is adopted. Each portfolio is scrutinised by a small group of members over a dedicated period, providing opportunity for focused challenge and questioning.

London Bi-Borough: digital disruption and transformation in SEND services

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster City Council, known as London’s Bi-Borough, adopted a collaborative approach to drive transformation in 2018 with the ambition of being the number one SEND service in the country; a target which has been accomplished.

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Engaging black and Asian and multi-ethnic communities

In 2020 the south London boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham sought to tackle the inequalities faced by black, Asian and Latin American people by commissioning a sexual health promotion service to work with these communities.

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Bristol: Using vending machines to engage under-served groups

Vending machines offering free sexual health tests are offering alternative way to access HIV and STI testing kits in an effort to reach groups who may traditionally face stigma accessing these services.

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Surrey County Council: Actively directing support to those who need it most

Surrey County Council has been utilising the strength of the voluntary, community and faith sector to reach those communities that are most in need of extra support.