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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Nottinghamshire Police Force - Preventing Demand Strategy

Nottinghamshire police force work with community organisers as part of their campaign for prevention and early intervention.

Case study: HM Treasury - The Spending Challenge

The first phase was limited to public sector staff, of which there were over six million. It was then opened up over a two month period to allow the rest of the public to participate in the debate.

Case study: Lambeth Living Well

The Lambeth Living Well Collaborative was established in 2010 and is a platform of partners aiming to radically improve the outcomes experienced by people with severe and enduring mental health problems. It involves citizens, mental health service users, peer supporters, commissioners, the voluntary sector, and health and social care staff.

Case study: Welsh National Assembly - Loomio

Loomio is a web application used to assist groups with a collaborative decision-making process by allowing the creation of focused topic forums with set deadlines and space for deliberation. The Welsh Assembly first used the application in 2014 as part of the Health and Social Care Committee's inquiry looking into alcohol and substance misuse in Wales.

Case study: Lochside Neighbourhood Group

Over two years this developed into an organisation called the Lochside Neighbourhood Group, made up of third sector organisations, faith groups, and both private and public sector organisations.

Case study: Local Area Coordination - Derbyshire

Through Local Area Coordination, service users stay strong, safe and connected in communities which are more welcoming, inclusive and supportive. As a result, they can find practical, non-service solutions to problems and generally avoid the use of acute front-line services which are increasingly unaffordable.

Govanhill, Glasgow

GoCA was made up of representatives from local community groups in Govanhill and was held accountable for its spend by the local community. The group was supported by Oxfam's UK Poverty Programme in Scotland, which helped facilitate the participatory budgeting process and bridged the perceived gap between public sector workers and GoCA members.

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Case study: Lambeth Council Financial Resilience Strategy

The strategy was produced with the help of a number of stakeholders, including public bodies, agencies, communities and citizens. Lambeth Citizens, part of Citizens UK, were hired as an integral part of the strategy's production, using their knowledge and expertise of the area to create a strategy which would be most beneficial to residents.

Tower Hamlets, ‘You Decide!’

Between 2009 and 2010, a project known as ‘You Decide!' was given £4.76 million by the Tower Hamlet's Council, plus an additional £300,000 by the local Primary Care Trust (PCT), totalling over £5 million over the two years.

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Case study: Porto Alegre, Brazil

Participatory budgeting was created in Porto Alegre, a city of 1.3 million people in Brazil, in 1989.