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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Gateshead Council: Working in hospitals

Staff from Gateshead’s substance misuse service have a presence at the borough’s main hospital four days a week. This gives them a chance to identify and engage patients who have alcohol-related problems.

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Lancashire County Council: Reaching out to young people early

New ways of engaging young people are being explored in Lancashire thanks to a government-funded project. Non-alcohol specialist staff are getting extra training and early intervention work is taking place with teenagers and families.

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Leeds City Council: How integration helps innovation

Leeds has integrated its substance misuse services – and this is helping boost innovation. Support is being moved into GP centres, there is an enhanced family service and a new team to work with those with earlystage alcohol problems.

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Oxfordshire County Council: Segmenting clients to make services more appealing

Oxfordshire’s substance misuse has seen an improvement in performance for clients with alcohol problems after re-organising the way clinics are delivered. The service introduced segmentation – grouping together clinics with similar clients.

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Kent County Council: The benefits of co-designing change

Alcohol services have been changed in east Kent thanks to a co-design process involving staff, service users, local people and stakeholders. It has led to more consistency in services, boosted innovation and improved performance.

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Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council: Targeting the most problematic drinkers

Sandwell MBC has partnered with Alcohol Change UK to run a project aimed at the most change-resistant drinkers. It targets those who are alcohol dependent, a burden on public service and not engaging with treatment, by surrounding them with support.

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Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council: Creating a 'super' partnership of multiple providers

Six core service partners are working together in Solihull to deliver treatment and support to people with alcohol problems. The Solihull Integrated Substance Misuse Service (SIAS) is led by the local mental health foundation trust in partnership with a range of voluntary sector providers and the council’s social care team.

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Active Herts

Active Herts is a research led and independently evaluated project which uses evidence-based behaviour change techniques to support inactive adults to increase their physical activity levels.

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Air quality in Portsmouth: using design principles to address air quality

Public health in Portsmouth is threatened by poor air quality. Across the UK, it is estimated that air pollution contributes to between 28,000 and 36,000 deaths per year.

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Kent County Council: improving the digital offer

Kent has invested in digital technologies to improve the way services are offered. A new website has been launched and that has been followed by a range of online STI tests, which have proved to be very popular. This case study forms part of our sexual health resource.

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