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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Swindon Borough Council: Innovate housing solutions for older people in inter-generational communities

Swindon Borough Council is seeking to develop directly and with partners a greater range of housing options suited to people in late life. The council has developed and enabled specialist housing options, such as extra care housing, to meet the housing and care needs of older people.

Telford & Wrekin Council: Using planning policy for a wider mix of housing for older people

Telford & Wrekin Council is using its planning policy to advise its objectives to deliver the right mix of housing for older people and disabled people.

No Homelessness in Norfolk – People powered results (Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council)

Putting people with lived experience at the heart of homelessness strategy.

Mapping and development of garage sites in Oxford for community led affordable housing (Oxford City Council)

Piloting an engagement-led approach to identifying brownfield sites for new homes.

Housing & Homelessness Alliance (Cornwall Council)

Establishing an alliance of statutory, voluntary and community sector partners to revitalise the countywide response to homelessness.

Bradford: Promoting good oral health

Bradford council commissioned a specialist team to promote good oral health in children by working in primary schools, community events and private nurseries.

Bristol: Tackling youth crime and exploitation

Bristol City Council set up a programme to tackle youth crime and exploitation in a partnership between the council, police, schools and voluntary sector which provides a range of support to vulnerable children.

Cherwell: Getting children and their families active

A team of youth ambassadors led a project in the Oxfordshire district of Cherwell to get children from its most deprived neighbourhoods active. 

North Somerset: Giving children the healthiest start in life

North Somerset has launched programmes targeting issues such as nutrition, healthy weight and oral health for children.