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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Calderdale Council: getting taxi drivers on board

Calderdale Council has worked with taxi drivers to maximise the reach of its Prevent work.  It has been able to recruit dedicated staff, including a Prevent coordinator. The focus for the future will be working with women and schools.

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Cornwall Prevent Partnership: helping parents protect children online

Cornwall has put a big emphasis on helping tackle dangerous internet use. It has used an EU project to help parents keep their IT-savvy children safe. Prevent training is also being rolled out to groups such as local Scouts to ensure its impact is felt far-and-wide.

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Royal Borough of Greenwich: harnessing the power of football

Greenwich has been working on this issue since 2012 and has used football as a medium to reach out to the local community. The project resulted in participants playing a friendly match against soldiers from Woolwich barracks where Lee Rigby was based when he was murdered. The council has also developed an interactive DVD for school children which is being rolled out nationally.

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London Borough of Waltham Forest: intervening early

Waltham Forest has made early intervention a priority as part of its Prevent work. One of it’s flagship programmes is ‘Digital Resilience’, an education resource for secondary school children and staff designed to safeguard young people from potentially harmful information or views online.

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Embedding community engagement across the whole council

London Borough of Lambeth has gone through a process of transformation to become a cooperative council, based on giving people more involvement in and control of the services they use and where they live.

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Using volunteering and incentivising greater community engagement to improve neighbourhoods

Chorley Council has invested in a number of community action activities as part of the consideration of new service models, moving away from a traditional service delivery approach, to an integrated public services model.

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Making better use of assets in the community to maintain independence

Buckinghamshire County Council has engaged in a range of community action activities, at different scales of investment to enable local priorities to be determined and better met.

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Leveraging partnerships and learning from devolution to engage communities

Cornwall Council Cornwall Council’s approach to community action has focused on its programme of devolution to parish and town councils, and using that learning now to foster partnerships with a wider range of community groups to improve health and wellbeing.

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Modernising council services through co-location and asset transfer I

Leeds City Council recognised the need to offer more opportunities for people to take part in activities they enjoyed, and in particular, to make sport and leisure activities more accessible for people with a learning disability.

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Cross-sector partnerships and use of technology to reduce dependency and intervene earlier

The living independently in later years (LILY) programme began in 2012 with the intention of helping older people access the right level of community-based support at the right times in their lives, to help them avoid triggering an event that will move them into high cost services.

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