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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Public health's role in local government and NHS integration

Public health's role in local government and NHS integration (6 case studies) by the LGA and the Association of Directors of Public Health.

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Plymouth – an integrated approach to financial capability

Plymouth City Council has partnered with Citizens Advice and other local partners to promote financial capability. This includes money advice and income maximisation, targeting particularly disadvantaged groups. The council sees this work as a way of tackling health inequalities.

Leeds – financial literacy and financial inclusion strategy

Summary As part of its financial inclusion strategy, Leeds City Council has developed programmes on financial capability. These include work with young children, as well as programmes for primary schools and older children. Financial capability training is also given to council staff by the Consumer Financial Education Body (CFEB).

South Staffordshire – housing aids for independent living

Summary Local authorities and third-sector organisations in South Staffordshire have come together to provide housing aids and adaptations to help people live independently at home. Streamlining applications, assessments and provision has resulted in a reduction in costs of 40 per cent and huge cuts in waiting times.

Tower Hamlets – reducing overcrowding

Summary Top housing priority for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets is reducing severe overcrowding. Overcrowding contributes to mental health problems and transmission of infectious diseases. The council is undertaking an ambitious building and buy-back programme, along with other innovative measures to reduce overcrowding.

Assessment Centre Recruitment for Social Workers in Children’s Social Care

Computer-based simulation training for prospective social workers.

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Hampshire – financial management for older people

Summary Hampshire County Council sees financial capability as an aspect of wellbeing for older people, who often say "money matters" are among their top concerns. Hampshire is working in partnership to provide information and guidance for older people not intensively using services.

Commissioning for better health outcomes

Commissioners are vital in the process of making the most of collective resources to improve health outcomes for local citizens. The role of commissioning is no longer about identifying and procuring services for individuals but bringing people together to enable citizens to live a fulfilling and independent life for as long as possible.

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Birmingham City Council: working with schools

Birmingham City Council and its partners have concentrated on mainstreaming Prevent across all relevant service areas and, in particular, in schools and has appointed a schools resilience adviser to help them address the Prevent agenda.

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Bristol City Council: building on past work

Under the previous Prevent regime Bristol established a successful partnership with the Muslim community called Building the Bridge. It is now redeveloping that scheme so it has a wider focus including setting up advisory groups to engage women and young people and tackle far-right extremism.

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