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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Dorset Council: Low Carbon Dorset – Helping Dorset’s businesses, community groups and public sector reduce their carbon footprints

Low Carbon Dorset is a programme of activities led by the Dorset Council to help reduce carbon emissions in Dorset.  

Worcestershire County Council: Potential conflicts between net zero and fuel poverty

The challenge to meet net zero ambitions relies on a shift towards electrically heated properties. A key issue is how to bring fuel poor households along on this journey to net zero without making heating their homes even less affordable for them.

South Somerset District Council: Retrofit in Rural Somerset and the Action Learning Sets

South Somerset District Council are embarking on a programme of retrofitting council properties and supporting the community to retrofit their homes to save money, carbon and increase comfort and wellbeing.

Lancaster City Council: Housing Retrofit Action Learning Set

Lancaster City Council is looking to retrofit housing stock, engage with residents to explain the benefits and encourage more local contractors to bid for tenders.

Babergh and West Suffolk: taking health promotion out to park and green spaces

Both Babergh and West Suffolk Councils have a strategic partnership with Abbeycroft Leisure to run outdoor activities and cooking sessions in local parks and green spaces during the pandemic.  

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Leicester: running a sexual health clinic in a shopping centre

A sexual health clinic has been set up Leicester’s main shopping centre. It was chosen because it was convenient, but also through a desire to destigmatise sexual health.

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Middlesbrough: one-stop wellbeing clinic in shopping centre

The Dundas Shopping Centre in the heart of Middlesbrough town centre is the Live Well Centre, a one-stop shop for healthy living run by the council’s public health team.

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Hertfordshire: a network of healthy hubs in community locations

A network of healthy hubs has been set up across Hertfordshire on high streets, in leisure centres, at food banks and in community halls to take health and wellbeing services out to the public.

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Brighton & Hove: encouraging healthy food options in canteens, cafes and restaurants

Brighton & Hove launched a voluntary healthy choice scheme 14 years ago for cafes, restaurants and takeaways and is now making it mandatory for its commissioned catering services to follow good practice.

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Kent: using health and wellbeing shop to reach out to communities facing health inequalities

A health and wellbeing shop has been operating from a popular shopping mall in Kent, thanks to a partnership between the community NHS trust, county council and a borough council. 

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