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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Go Ultra Low Oxford

Run by Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council, the Go Ultra Low Oxford project is trialling six types of charging infrastructure over 12 months to assess their suitability for on-street charging in residential areas. Case Study provided by the Energy Saving Trust.

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Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Network

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) established the Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle (GMEV) Network in 2013. The network offers free charging for a nominal membership fee, with the costs being absorbed by TfGM. It was decided that the network required a technological renewal and strategic expansion if it were to support the mass adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) across the region and play a central role in improving air quality.

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Kent County Council: improving the digital offer

Kent has invested in digital technologies to improve the way services are offered. A new website has been launched and that has been followed by a range of online STI tests, which have proved to be very popular. This case study forms part of our sexual health resource.

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Nottinghamshire County Council: enabling closer cooperation between partners

Working groups bringing together all the different parts of the sexual health service are being set up in Nottinghamshire to enable closer cooperation. A year in, the project has already led to women being given easier access to LARC. This case study forms part of our sexual health resource.

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Norfolk County Council: easing demand on clinics

Like many areas, Norfolk has seen rising numbers of people coming to their sexual health clinics for testing. To help ease the pressure, an online service for the four core STIs has been developed. It has proved remarkably successful. This case study forms part of our sexual health resource.

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Oxfordshire County Council: working closely with GPs

Oxfordshire County Council has worked closely with local GPs to ensure women have access to LARC and the system is administered fairly in terms of whether it is the council or NHS that pays for the service. This case study forms part of our sexual health resource.

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Wigan Council: developing a new model in partnership with residents

Wigan Council has developed a pioneering approach to public sector reform known as The Deal. It is a new way of working differently with communities and stakeholders with both sides working collaboratively to improve the borough. When commissioning its sexual health service, this model shaped how the council transformed its approach. This case study forms part of our sexual health resource.

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Testing the savings around contract compliance and negotiation

Through the LGA Productivity Experts Programme, expert advice was sought around the methodology and development of approaches, processes and skills for contract audit of contracts, recovery of overpayments, contract management and financial procedures to test for potential savings.

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Rethinking Health Provision | Delivery of Sexual Health Services in Leicester

Region: North East, Yorkshire and Humber, East Midlands Theme: Health and social care (in OPE)

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Blaby District Council: delivering affordable housing through joint working with emh group

The group has developed 439 affordable homes in the district across a range of tenures since 2008.

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