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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Cambridge City Council: Bridging the gap to net zero

The council has delivered a wide range of projects and activities to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change in Cambridge and has reduced its own emissions by over 28 per cent through the implementation of its Carbon Management Plans.

Hazlemere Parish Council/Buckinghamshire Unitary Council: BEE SQUARED

In Hazlemere, the council and residents are determined to stop the decline of pollinators and help their wonderful natural friends. Bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife.

Cumbria County Council agrees ambitious Carbon Management Strategy

In November 2020, Cumbria County Council’s Cabinet unanimously agreed the council’s first Carbon Management Strategy which sets out how they will respond to the international, national and regional aspiration to achieve a low/net zero carbon economy by 2050.

Cumbria County Council: LED streetlights

Since 2014, Cumbria County Council has invested £12.9 million in its LED Street Lighting replacement and improvement programme, replacing over 45,000 streetlights with more efficient and cost-effective LED technology.

Cumbria County Council: Chosen to pilot the national Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Cumbria was named as one of five pilot areas to receive a share of a £1 million fund from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in August 2020 to develop a draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) pilot.

Lambeth Council: future fit schools

To get their estate to net zero by 2030 and prepare the borough for the impact of the climate crisis, Lambeth council have created a ‘future fit’ package for schools. This package consists of several projects, which reduce the schools’ carbon footprints, prepare them to be climate resilient, and protect school children from air pollution.

South Cambridgeshire District Council Zero Carbon Strategy

South Cambridgeshire District Council set out a wide-ranging zero carbon strategy, outlining the many ways in which it is encouraging, supporting and influencing action on climate change in the district.

Winchester City Council: Community and parish climate engagement

Winchester City Council has been working with Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC) and the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to support the development of climate action hubs across the Winchester district.

Improving recycling in high-rise properties across Hounslow

From August 2019 – May 2021, the London Borough of Hounslow and Ogilvy Consulting’s Behavioural Science Practice collaborated on a rigorous behavioural insights trial to effectively test ways to increase recycling in high-rise properties.

Electric Vehicle Taxi transition

Air Quality reviews locally identified taxi emissions as a significant source of air pollution within the Cambridge Air Quality Management area.

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