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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Wakefield: Roving vaccination team to work with marginalised groups

In Wakefield the council and local NHS have set up a roving vaccination team to work with communities at risk of low uptake.

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Gateshead: How to engage asylum seekers and refugees

Gateshead Council partnered with a range of voluntary sector organisations to encourage asylum seekers and refugees to come forward for a COVID-19 vaccine. 

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Newcastle: Tackling low uptake in men through the power of football

To help tackle the low vaccine uptake in Newcastle's working age men, Newcastle City Council and the local NHS worked closely with the city’s football club to help increase vaccination rates.

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Sandwell: Ensuring good uptake in black and ethnic minority groups

To ensure good uptake in black and ethnic minority communities, the council has worked closely with its communities, training local people to become vaccine advocates and running mobile pop-up clinics.

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Leeds: Providing a women-only COVID-19 vaccine offer

A women-only vaccination clinic was set up in a local area in Leeds experiencing lower vaccine uptake rates in order to provide a safe space for women to access the vaccine.

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Calderdale: 'We worked hand-in-hand with schools during autumn surge'

At the start of the pandemic, Calderdale Council’s public health team recognised the importance of supporting schools. They set up a helpline for schools so they could get in touch with public health specialists for advice.

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Cumbria: How we pulled together to deliver flu and COVID-19 vaccines in schools

Cumbria organised the flu and COVID-19 jabs as two separate schemes resulting in nurses on the school immunisation service focussing on the nasal flu delivery, while the clinical leads working to deliver the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. 

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Kirklees: 'Phenomenal' collaboration ensured smooth rollout

A partnership between the council, school immunisation service, local NHS and community pharmacy ensured a smooth and quick rollout of vaccination to children and young people in the West Yorkshire borough of Kirklees.

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Wolverhampton City Council: Applying behavioural science principles as quick wins to COVID work

Wolverhampton City Council wanted to draw on behavioural science methodology and insights across their response to the pandemic. They found there is a need to balance the practical (what’s feasible) whilst drawing on principles and insights which can increase the impact of their work.

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City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council: Community centred approaches to COVID-19 

The aim of the community centred programme is to increase the take-up of COVID testing and vaccine offer across Bradford in areas with low acceptance rates.

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