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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Sheffield City Council: two mobile units running pop-up testing clinics across Sheffield

More than 100 locations, including parks, supermarkets and faith settings, have been visited – with thousands of test kits handed out to the most hard-to-reach communities.

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Surrey County Council: The Surrey Index

The Surrey Index provides information at various levels of geography: boroughs and districts, ward, Local Community Networks, and Primary Care Networks, super output areas, and also allows a comparison with our statistical neighbours, and includes the most recent data available on a whole host of indicators.

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Darlington: Vaccination bus offers easier route to COVID-19 jabs

Over the summer of 2021, Darlington Borough Council’s very own vaccine bus hit the roads across Darlington to encourage more people to get their COVID-19 vaccines.

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Third sector support for those working with older people - Leeds City Council

Leeds Public Health Older People’s team implemented a range of interventions to provide proactive support to the third sector.

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Charnwood: Dedicated teams to support retail and hospitality business

Charnwood Borough Council set up a dedicated business compliance team at the start of the pandemic to support retail businesses and hospitality venues.

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Lancaster: COVID-19 safe award helped businesses and reassured public

Lancaster City Council set up a COVID-19 Safe Award for local shops, restaurants and pubs to act as a guide to the public that the businesses were adhering to the local guidance.

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Gateshead: Proactively supporting businesses from fish and chip shops to circuses

Gateshead set up a COVID-19 business compliance team to ensure restrictions and safety guidelines were adhered to and helped local businesses cope with change.

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Sussex: Ensuring smooth coordination in a two-tier area

As soon as COVID-19 hit, a pan-Sussex enforcement cell was set up which included the police, Brighton and Hove City Council, the two county councils and the network of district and borough councils.  

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Rushmoor: 'We looked after our unsung heroes - our food businesses'

The environmental health team at Rushmoor Borough Council made it their priority to support local shop owners and kept them up to date with the ever changing guidance and went the extra mile to deliver lateral flow tests.

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Warrington: Working side-by-side with public health

At Warrington Borough Council a joint environmental and public health team was quickly set up to help businesses to adopt COVID-19 secure working practices and to deal with any outbreaks.   

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