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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Dundee Council: Mitigating climate change risk

In March 2018, Dundee City Council signed the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, committing the Dundee Partnership to develop a Climate Action Plan within two years to reduce city-wide carbon emissions by 40% by 2030.

City of York Council: York’s Clean Air Zone

City of York Council took action to improve air quality across the city through a Clean Air Zone, aiming to significantly reduce emissions from buses and ensure all those operating frequently in the city centre were low emission.

Cambridgeshire County Council: Tackling the climate emergency by engaging young people

Cambridgeshire County Council partnered with researchers from the University of Cambridge to address the question of how they should work with local communities to tackle the climate emergency, which highlighted the untapped potential of young people.

Hertfordshire County Council: Sustainability action plan

Hertfordshire County Council developed an action plan to set out the policies and strategies needed to embed sustainability across all their operations and services.

Leicester City Council: Santander Cycles Leicester

Santander Cycles Leicester is a new public ebike share system for the city, owned by Leicester City Council, delivered by Ride On and supported by the Department for Transport and Santander UK. Leicester specific businesses also support the scheme as a socially inclusive, affordable, easy to use and zero emission option for active travel.

Rapid response and convening - Nottinghamshire County Council

Nottinghamshire County Council quickly responded to the economic, health and well-being impact of the pandemic in three main ways: convening partners to provide coherent recovery responses, bidding for funding, driving digital delivery and working with partners to protect apprenticeships and vulnerable young people.

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Rural response - Shropshire Council

The COVID-19 economic taskforce has focused on bringing partnerships together to deliver SC’s pandemic response.

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Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership

The Hertfordshire Leaders Group, attended by all council leaders, agreed to establish the Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership (HCCSP) in January 2020. HCCSP’s aim is to share information, coordinate and influence solutions, and bring forward proposals for key interventions around climate change and sustainability across Hertfordshire.

Transforming skills and employment delivery in response to the pandemic - Devon County Council

With the onset of the pandemic, the employment and skills service had to pivot to online and alternative delivery approaches in a very short timescale to continue to support learners, young people and those that were being made redundant or who had lost their business.

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