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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Transforming the customer experience in SEND

Developing an optional checklist and online application for people applying for an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment. This will include improving web content and producing a video to sits alongside these forms

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Surrey County Council DMA case study

Surrey County Council’s new Target Operating Model sets out the principle that structures (as a default) should be with six spans and six layers. The Community Protection, Transport & Environment Directorate used the DMA process to support the intelligent application of this principle. 

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Healthy New Towns Programme: Cranbrook

Cranbrook, is a green field development new town within East Devon to the north east of Exeter. With a current  population of about 4,500 expected to rise to over 18,000 by 2030. 

South Tyneside Council: Review of children’s services in the Borough

In October 2018, South Tyneside Council participated in the Productivity Expert Programme to review their directly provided childcare service. This report outlines the project and considers the conclusions of the final report and identifies the way forward. This case study forms part of our productivity experts resource.

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Maximising a Council’s soft assets in a leisure context

A project which commenced over three years ago with initial support from the LGA’s Productivity Experts Programme and phase one will launch in June 2019.

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Enabling Camden’s Cashless Strategy

Camden Council has rationalised the number of suppliers it contracts for payment services with the aim of moving towards a cashless system. Part of the project is for the distribution of social care payments such as the direct payment of adult and children’s social care electronically via prepaid cards. We now currently load £1million per month onto prepaid cards across more than 400 cards in circulation, and we are currently exploring how it can be rolled-out to additional schemes to supplement our cashless strategy. Our staff have reported the prepaid card system has resulted in a: “positive user experience”.

Introducing a sustainable commercial approach to transformation

Lichfield District Council faced significant financial and services challenges and decided to address these through the creation of an innovative transformation programme with a commercial core. Using a variety of specialist advisors, the programme introduced a range of solutions to; increase income, optimise investment, innovate to reduce costs and improve the customer experience. This case study forms part of our productivity experts resource.

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A behavioural approach to digital channel shift

A project to drive online take-up of e-forms through MyAccount in two service areas; council tax and waste management. This project focussing on customer engagement, marketing and behaviour change to use existing systems.

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Customers keen to self-serve

A project to put in place a new online service for revenues and benefits customers. Functions will include allowing customers to apply for single person council tax discount, housing benefits and notifying the council of a change in circumstances

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