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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Tower Hamlets: Outreach psychotherapy for rough sleepers

The council has taken on a psychotherapist to go out on to the streets and work alongside the borough’s outreach team, helping to turn around the lives of rough sleepers.

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Westminster: Psychological in-reach support into hostels

Rough sleepers are offered one-to-one psychological help in the London borough under an initiative that has also seen frontline professionals given training in supporting their clients.

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Where next for homelessness? - Swindon Council

"To date, the council has already found safe accommodation for 14 of the rough sleepers that have been staying at the Great Western Hotel"

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Where next for homelessness? - Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

On 23 March the Government issued a directive to all councils to temporarily house all rough sleepers during the pandemic to keep them safe. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council placed 89 rough sleepers in hotel and B&B accommodation in just two days and housed a total of 138 across the entire period of lockdown.

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Rough Sleeping and the Winter that Was

Birmingham City Council’s preventative and collaborative approach meant that when the government launched the ‘Everyone In’ initiative in March last year we were in a better place than most to respond to the pandemic.

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