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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Government and NHS integration in Doncaster

How public health became involved When based in the PCT, public health was central to both NHS strategic planning and joint planning with the council. This role was maintained when it transferred to the council, with public health taking the lead for several aspects of the BCF and wider integration.

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Government and NHS integration in Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire based its work on topics jointly agreed as priorities rather than just what the public health team thought was important. Projects with too many barriers or dependencies were put back while higher priority and more deliverable projects were prioritised.

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Government and NHS integration in Richmond upon Thames

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and the CCG are moving jointly towards an integrated outcomes-based adult community health and social care service. This aspiration now also includes mental health services and early thinking has started for children’s services

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Government and NHS integration in Somerset

Somerset County Council and Somerset CCG have been developing joined up care for several years, and this has accelerated through initiatives such as joint commissioning, an integrated data system, and the BCF programme.  A model for ambitious, whole-system reform is now being developed

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Government and NHS integration in Wakefield Metropolitan District Council

Wakefield Connecting Care programme, which incorporates the BCF, is a partnership between the CCG and the council, working closely with NHS providers and the voluntary and community sectors.  A key element of the programme is establishing integrated care hubs – care closer to people’s homes through integrated teams based around GP practices.

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Government and NHS integration in Worcestershire County Council

The public health team has contributed to a five year integration strategy bringing together a wide range of adult health and care services. An important public health role is to identify high-risk population groups whose needs impact significantly on both health and social care services, thereby revealing a mutual interest for both NHS and county council to develop integrated improvement and prevention services.

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Public health's role in local government and NHS integration

Public health's role in local government and NHS integration (6 case studies) by the LGA and the Association of Directors of Public Health.

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Commissioning for better health outcomes

Commissioners are vital in the process of making the most of collective resources to improve health outcomes for local citizens. The role of commissioning is no longer about identifying and procuring services for individuals but bringing people together to enable citizens to live a fulfilling and independent life for as long as possible.

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Tipping the scales: Case studies on the use of planning powers to limit hot food takeaway

England has one of the highest rates of unhealthy weight of other western countries. The prevalence of obesity in England has more than doubled in the last twenty five years. And if we go on as we are, the rate of obese people is expected to double in the next 40 years.

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Building the foundations - tackling obesity through planning and development

England has one of the highest rates of unhealthy weight of other western countries. The prevalence of obesity in England has more than doubled in the last 25 years. And if we go on as we are, the rate of obese people is expected to double in the next 40 years. Obesity is a complex problem that requires action from individuals and society across multiple sectors.

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