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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Matching data to support troubled families: Camden

The London borough of Camden focused on bringing together information from a range of systems to support frontline workers provide a more effective service to families in need.

Commonwealth Games – Birmingham handover and homecoming

Earlier this year, Birmingham’s Commonwealth Games handover and homecoming celebrations gave the world a glimpse of to expect from the city when it hosts the event in 2022. Eleri Roberts, Birmingham City Council’s assistant director of communications, explains how with just four weeks’ notice, the council and its partners engaged residents in Birmingham’s Commonwealth Games story and launched the city onto a global, live stage. Birmingham City Council was awarded a bronze award for this work at the 2018 public service communications excellence awards.

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Hertfordshire County Council - Just Talk

Mental health problems can impact anybody at any stage of their life. Many people are scared to open up about mental health issues but Hertfordshire Council and partner agencies from across the county made it their mission to help change this. They wanted to raise awareness and normalise speaking out about mental health, particularly among boys and young men. Jen Beer, children and young people’s health improvement lead for public health at Hertfordshire County Council, tells us how their campaign to get people to ‘Just Talk’ won a bronze public service communications excellence award.

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Innovation in council housebuilding - Sutton

Sutton is an outer London council that has retained its stock, delivering management via its Sutton Housing Partnership arms-length management organisation (ALMO).

On the edge of care: Keeping vulnerable young people safely in the community

Taking a child into care has a significant impact on them, their family and their community. Brent Council wanted to develop their support for children, young people and their families.

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The Family Nurse Partnership

The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) aims to improve the life chances of first-time young parents and their children by breaking the cycle of disadvantage.

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Youth Offending Service prevention

Staffordshire’s Youth Offending Service prevention project is focused on identifying those children and young people who face much poorer outcomes than their counterparts and intervening early with bespoke projects to help them thrive.

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Youth Offending Service Prevention - Staffordshire County Council

Staffordshire’s Youth Offending Service prevention project is focused on identifying those children and young people who face much poorer outcomes than their counterparts and intervening early with bespoke projects to help them thrive.

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Cornwall Council: ensuring no stone is left unturned in tackling teenage pregnancy

In tackling teenage pregnancy, Cornwall Council has taken a holistic approach.

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Hull City Council: targeting help at the most at risk

When Hull first started its teenage pregnancy work progress was a little slow. Conception rates were coming down, but not as fast or consistently as the city’s Teenage Pregnancy Partnership would have liked.

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