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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Your search returned 146 results

Local economic recovery planning in Plymouth City Council

Recovery planning in Plymouth epitomises the best of local government across the country. It has been driven by inspiring civic leadership working with highly competent officers who have emphasised the importance of place, community and partnership working with the private sector.

View allEconomic growth articles

Rapid testing in Boston

Set up two ‘rapid’ community testing sites in Boston to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 in residents who are asymptomatic.

View allPublic health articles

Using behavioural science to support communications campaigns in North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire County Council worked with the Behavioural Insights Team to apply behavioural science to their communications campaigns during the coronavirus crisis.

Digital Discharge to Assess

The aims of the SCDIA Digital Discharge to Assess project were to develop a cloud-based case management system that did not depend on a single IT partner or supplier; allow users (with appropriate permissions) to capture, update, track, and report on data about a person’s journey through the Discharge to Assess process; create a ‘single version of the truth’, with a raft of associated patient benefits and service efficiencies.

View allAdult social care articles

Birmingham City Council: Community Champion Programme and Community Partners

Communication and Engagement Lead (Test and Trace) at Birmingham City Council (BCC), Kulvinder Naga, outlines the council’s Community Champion Programme.

London Borough of Waltham Forest: Vaccine confidence programme

Waltham Forest Council has been working on a vaccine confidence programme, aimed at increasing take-up, particularly amongst its most vulnerable residents.

Exploring a Best in Class Offer through Cross-Boundary Service Redesign: Broadland District and South Norfolk Councils

Broadland District and South Norfolk Councils sought support from the LGA’s Housing Advisor Programme to develop a pioneering, shared service model for the single officer team who have been delivering the Housing and Homelessness service from January 2020.

Westminster City Council BAME Staff Network

An example of a council using its Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff network to help it work towards a real culture change within the organisation on equality and diversity issues.

Using data mapping to inform care decisions

‘The Bridge’ is a tool for data visualisation, designed to display public sector data and provide effective economic forecasting and market insights. Follow-on funding was granted to share the project and its learning with other councils.

View allAdult social care articles

LB Sutton: Transformation Programme - responding to the climate emergency

The London Borough of Sutton has adopted an ambitious Environment Strategy and Climate Emergency Response Plan. Supported by the council’s Transformation Programme, they are taking action to increase domestic retrofit, develop a zero carbon technical standards guide for all council led developments, and prevent the physical impacts of climate change through increasing access to green spaces.