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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Understanding and implementing effective channel shift

The research underlined how a nuanced approach is required and led to the production of a channel shift toolkit. The research findings underpin the borough's channel shift implementation strategy.

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Dorset Local Resilience Forum

When a major incident occurs, for example a flood or a terrorist attack, a range of public and private sector organisations in the location affected, must work together in order to protect human life, support the continuity of everyday activity, restore disrupted services and uphold the rule of law.

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Common online ‘book and pay' facility

Breckland Council in Norfolk and South Holland District Council in Lincolnshire have a shared management model and have jointly launched a comprehensive transformation programme that includes an important work stream on digitalisation.

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Customer-led transformation case studies

The complete list of customer led transformation case studies.

Case study: Lambeth Living Well

The Lambeth Living Well Collaborative was established in 2010 and is a platform of partners aiming to radically improve the outcomes experienced by people with severe and enduring mental health problems. It involves citizens, mental health service users, peer supporters, commissioners, the voluntary sector, and health and social care staff.

Workforce: Local government mutual spinouts

Central Government is promoting the role of staff-led mutuals in the delivery of public services.

Essex County Council – Thurrock Council and Southend Councils - #TogetherWeCan domestic abuse campaign – Bronze award winner – public sector communications academy 2016

Despite domestic abuse being a national issue that affects huge numbers of people, it's a problem that's often hidden and that people can find extremely difficult to talk about. This can mean that victims, or people at risk of abuse don't always know where to find information that can directly help them.

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Retraining health and social care staff

Calderdale Council's ‘Gateway to Care' has reduced the number of people needing full social care assessments, making significant savings.

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Children’s health and wellbeing in Croydon

Croydon focused on the 'early years' to design and implement a programme based on early intervention and prevention rather than dependency.

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Wealden District Council

Working with developers for the past two and a half years to unblock stalled developments.

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