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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Transforming public services in West Suffolk

Region: East, South East Theme: Integrated Public Services, Locality Reviews

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Plymouth Health and Wellbeing Board

Plymouth Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) takes a system leadership role, setting the ambition, shaping local priorities and signing off key strategic documents, including commissioning strategies. This case study forms part of our integrated care systems (ICS) resource.

Newcastle: Co-ordinating hospital discharge for rough sleepers

Support is provided to homeless people while they are in hospital. It ensures when they are ready to be discharged they will not return to the streets. Over the past two years no-one has been released without accommodation to go into.

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Preston: The benefits of a ‘housing first’ approach to reduce rough sleeping

A voluntary sector group which provides services for rough sleepers in Preston has set up a “Housing First” approach, giving clients a guarantee of accommodation which then allows them to address health and social issues they have.

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London Borough of Ealing: Council Tax Single Person Discount

The London Borough of Ealing commenced work to further enhance the proven functionality of ‘SNAP’ software to deliver the agreed savings for Ealing and the joint partners.

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West Sussex: providing support to those that do not qualify for FNP

West Sussex County Council has set up a young parents pathway to complement the work of the Family Nurse Partnership. The service is able to support young parents who would not normally qualify for FNP help. This case study is an example of the work that councils are doing to support young parents.

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Working with young fathers

In Salford and Gateshead, projects have been run to support young fathers and help them deal with the challenges they face. This case study is an example of the work that councils are doing to support young parents.

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Cheshire West and Chester: spreading the skills of the Family Nurse Partnership team

Family nurses have been using their skills to train up the wider workforce in support of young parents and families. So far over 100 staff, including health visitors, school nurses and early years workers, have been supported. This case study is an example of the work that councils are doing to support young parents.

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Merton: helping young parents access children's centres

The London Borough of Merton has encouraged its Family Nurse Partnership and health visiting service to work closely with local children’s centres. It has seen the number of young parents using the centres rapidly increase. This case study is an example of the work that councils are doing to support young parents.

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Liverpool City Council: public health transformation six years on

This case study shows the excellent work that public health in local government is doing to commission for quality and best value across all areas.