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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Broxtowe Borough Council: Creating new commercial units to support SMEs

Broxtowe Borough Council are supporting small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the borough by developing new commercial units to boost inward investment and create new jobs. The council was successful in bidding for funding from the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to develop these units in response to audits that were carried out by the council to understand the needs of SMEs in the borough.

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Calderdale: 'We worked hand-in-hand with schools during autumn surge'

At the start of the pandemic, Calderdale Council’s public health team recognised the importance of supporting schools. They set up a helpline for schools so they could get in touch with public health specialists for advice.

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Food and green spaces in Oldham

Oldham Council's vision is to be Greater Manchester’s "inclusive economy capital", by making the most of local assets and resources, including local purchasing, supporting local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and working with the community and voluntary sector. This ethos can be seen in their work on food and green spaces, crucial to the health and wellbeing of residents.

Live Well Kent

Live Well Kent (LWK) is a county-wide free service to help residents over 17 improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing. Services are provided by an extensive network of community organisations, coordinated by two strategic partners, within a single framework.

Unlocking the barriers to physical activity

Gloucestershire was chosen as one of six programmes to receive funding as part of the King’s Fund and National Lottery Community Fund scheme to explore new ways of working with local communities and the voluntary sector during 2021. This case study forms part of the health inequalities hub.

Tackling inequality among black school pupils

Lewisham Council and Lewisham Learning plan took a new approach to education to investigate why Black students were underachieving. Following the findings a number of pledges were created, including a commitment to increase black representation among the school leadership team and governors, reducing exclusions for black pupils and targeting ambitious outcomes for black pupils. This case study forms part of the health inequalities hub.

Hampshire County Council Tree Strategy

The Tree Strategy sets out Hampshire County Council’s approach to increasing and connecting woodland areas, green’ corridors and networks across the county. It will supplement and connect existing sites through group tree planting, to create a county-wide ‘Hampshire Community Forest’.

Electric Vehicle Taxi transition

Air Quality reviews locally identified taxi emissions as a significant source of air pollution within the Cambridge Air Quality Management area.

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Pan-Cheshire – Tackling perpetrators of domestic abuse across Cheshire

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and My Cheshire Without Abuse (My CWA) wanted to improve domestic abuse services across Cheshire with an emphasis on challenging perpetrators.

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Manchester City Council – Safe and Together

In 2017 Manchester set out to shift the culture and practice of children’s social care to become more domestic abuse informed and enable practitioners to have greater confidence in challenging the perpetrator and holding them to account.

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