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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Performance management at Basildon Borough Council

This case study explores how Basildon Borough Council developed a positive performance management culture based on transparency, ‘no blame’, and ownership of the process across all levels of the organisation.

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Northamptonshire - Making sure home educated pupils get support

Northamptonshire’s countywide school nursing service has set up a dedicated pathway to ensure home educated children do not fall through the gaps. All electively home educated pupils are contacted by the service – with those identified as most in needed offered appointments. This case study showcases the important role of school nurses in the education system.

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Rutland: Resurrecting an Early Years and Childcare Strategy

This case study describes the process of resurrecting the Early Years and Childcare Strategy in Rutland.  The process was supported by the LGA (funded by the DFE), and it engaged a total of 12 LAs in a process to support the best coordination of services, legal compliance and improved outcomes for children and families.

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Investing in council house building - Central Bedfordshire Council

Central Bedfordshire Council has been addressing a deficit in social housing by embarking on a project to increase the number of council properties available.

Bracknell Forest: Resurrecting an Early Years and Childcare Strategy

This case study describes the process of resurrecting the Early Years and Childcare Strategy in Bracknell Forest. The support programme engaged a total of 12 LAs in a process to support the best coordination of services, legal compliance and improved outcomes for children and families.

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Telford and Wrekin Council: A risk-based approach to councillor safety

Telford and Wrekin Council were faced with a challenging situation in 2019 when they commissioned an inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation. Councillors were at risk of abuse and aggression from residents and national groups interested in the inquiry. The council took this risk seriously, providing councillors with appropriate and proportionate safety measures depending on the level of risk.

Exeter: the value of roots in the community, when engaging around wellbeing

Exeter City Council has created Wellbeing Exeter, a strategic alliance with Devon County Council and Sport England, which aims to link up community, healthcare and wellbeing services, and to reinforce local assets which might strengthen wellbeing outcomes.

Youth Voice Post Boxes in East Suffolk Council

Youth Voice is a project taking place in East Suffolk, in the East of England. The initiative forms part of East Suffolk Council’s enabling communities strategy, and is run by the Communities Team.

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The ‘Unacceptable’ Project in Essex County Council

The ‘Unacceptable’ project took place in Essex in the East of England. It was a response from Essex County Council to national concerns raised by Ofsted and NSPCC about sexual violence in schools.

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Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council: Mentoring for apprentices

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council provides a mentoring service for apprentices in the private or public sectors. This is part of the Council’s employment and skills team and links with wider services to support harder-to-reach young people, including care leavers and those with disabilities.

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