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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Improving the private rented sector: Hull City Council

Hull has a large private rented sector with concentrations of up to 80 per cent of the stock on some streets being in that tenure.

COVID- 19 good practice case study: Gateshead’s collective leadership approach

Gateshead Care and Health System has drawn on its history of strong relationships to support residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. System partners have shared their experience of using their collective system leadership approach with the Care and Health Improvement Team as they reflect on what they want to keep and build on.

Experiences of employment and skills devolution: Cornwall Council

The devolution of employment and skills led to the profile of these areas being raised within both the local authority and the LEP and has resulted in the creation of a fully resourced and funded team to manage programmes and strategy.

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Experiences of employment and skills devolution: Greater Manchester Combined Authority

"devolution is fantastic and I think we've proved we can manage it".

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Reading – using data to focus and set a new skills direction

The key learning from the Reading work has been the power and potential of locally relevant data (as opposed to broad UK data) to create a shared understanding of the challenge and stimulate joint action.

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Experiences of employment and skills devolution: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

The combined authority believes that devolution has increased its influencing power and that it is more involved in decisions at an earlier stage. As a result, other national bodies, such as the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), are now in discussions with the combined authority about how to devolve funding to meet its specific skills needs.

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Kent County Council: county-wide End of Life Care guide and directory

Kent County Council has produced a major guide to the development of end of life care in the county.  It sets out from a council perspective the wide-ranging partnership work involved in end of life care. It relates this work to the Ambitions partnership goals. This case study forms part of our end of life care guide for councils.

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The Royal Borough of Greenwich: Partnership Working across the borough

There is strong partnership working in Greenwich to develop and improve the local offer. The overall objective is that people at the end of their lives and their families can be well supported and their outcomes improved through care and support that is integrated around the individual. This case study forms part of our end of life care guide for councils.

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Barnsley Council: Collaborative working with the voluntary and community sector to improve individual experiences at the end of life

In Barnsley, South Yorkshire, a Macmillan Social Worker is employed by Barnsley Council to sit within the multidisciplinary team of clinical nurse specialists, occupational therapists and dieticians to provide expert support for people in need of complex palliative care and support at end of life. This case study forms part of our end of life care guide for councils. This case study forms part of our end of life care guide for councils.

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