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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Essex County Council, Kent County Council and Suffolk County Council: COVID-19 virtual care

The COVID-19 pandemic has led the Government to take measures to encourage social isolation and slow the spread of the disease.

Developing an extra care housing resource pack, Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership

Greater Manchester H&SC Partnership decided that a resource pack would be a useful resource to create to promote innovation, best practice and improve commissioners understanding of workable models of housing with care.

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Watford Borough Council - Altering and adopting a housing allocation scheme

The Local Government Association commissioned Neil Morland & Co to work with Watford Borough Council, to alter their housing allocation scheme, known in Watford as the Housing Nominations Policy. This project took place from March – June 2019.

Future accommodation needs in Havering

A report was commissioned by Havering’s Joint Commissioning Unit to understand the current needs and pressures across children and adults social care services and estimate the future accommodation needs for looked after children, care leavers, and children and adults with disabilities.

Modernising Supported Housing for adults with disabilities in Lancashire - the development of a county wide delivery plan

Lancashire County Council (LCC) wants to develop housing with care for working age adults (people with learning and physical disabilities, autism and/or mental health issues) that is fit for the future. Council staff believe that existing housing with care developed on an ad-hoc basis in the past may not be future proof. LCC are also aware of a growing demand for self-contained accommodation from this group.

Harrow Council: co-located all age disability service for social care, education and health

A new integrated adult Community Learning Disability (LD) Team has been uniquely co-located with children’s social care and education services in purpose-designed premises to improve outcomes for residents of all ages with disabilities.

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A regional approach to assessing the risk of market failure

The East Midlands Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Network group commissioned a project on how to assess the risk of market failure at a regional and sub-regional level. This project was based on the premise that early communication between authorities can enable interventions to prevent market failure, or help manage the impact of any failure. The project was supported by the LGA through the Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP).

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Torbay Council supporting the elderly through housing

LGA housing adviser funding secured Housing LIN consultants to carry out qualitative research on the housing aspirations of older people in Torbay.

Future Accomodation Needs in Havering

A report was commissioned by Havering’s Joint Commissioning Unit to understand the current needs and pressures across Children and Adults social care services and estimate the future accommodation needs for looked after children, care leavers, and children and adults with disabilities. This case study is part of the LGA's Housing Advisers Programme.

South Tyneside Council - The right place at the right time

South Tyneside remains committed to supporting our residents with the right support when they need it and to make the best use of resources to keep as many of their residents independent for as long as possible. Understanding the demands and pressures, the challenge the council faced was to translate this understanding into developing our Adult Social Care (ASC) Accommodation Strategy to meet housing and ASC needs over the next five years, designing new accommodation to meet those needs and developing new models of care.