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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Norfolk County Council: Our council, our voice 2019 staff survey

Norfolk CC implemented a staff engagement survey with an underpinning research base, to understand the unique selling point for working in the public sector. 

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Review of placements team

The Productivity Experts Programme grant funding supported the redesigning of the commissioning of our placement function for Children’s Services and considering future integration with the Adult’s services; as well as developing effective performance management processes and systems, and a quality assurance framework.

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NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG: Bringing care homes from the periphery in to the system

NHS Newcastle Gateshead clinical commissioning group (CCG), was selected to be part of NHS England New Care Models Care Home Vanguard Programme. One of the initiatives to be introduced was the ‘transfer of care bag’, which sought to improve communication between hospital and care home teams when residents moved between both settings. This example of a local initiative forms part of our managing transfers of care resource.

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Gateshead Council: Working in hospitals

Staff from Gateshead’s substance misuse service have a presence at the borough’s main hospital four days a week. This gives them a chance to identify and engage patients who have alcohol-related problems.

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Lancashire County Council: Reaching out to young people early

New ways of engaging young people are being explored in Lancashire thanks to a government-funded project. Non-alcohol specialist staff are getting extra training and early intervention work is taking place with teenagers and families.

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Ugobus – more than just a journey

When Essex County Council needed to rebrand its community transport service and recruit drivers, it used the power of authentic storytelling and user insight to deliver a small campaign with a big impact on people’s lives. The Ugobus – more than just a journey rebrand and recruitment campaign was awarded a bronze at the 2019 Public Service Communications Excellence Awards.

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South Tyneside Council - The right place at the right time

South Tyneside remains committed to supporting our residents with the right support when they need it and to make the best use of resources to keep as many of their residents independent for as long as possible. Understanding the demands and pressures, the challenge the council faced was to translate this understanding into developing our Adult Social Care (ASC) Accommodation Strategy to meet housing and ASC needs over the next five years, designing new accommodation to meet those needs and developing new models of care.

Future Accomodation Needs in Havering

A report was commissioned by Havering’s Joint Commissioning Unit to understand the current needs and pressures across Children and Adults social care services and estimate the future accommodation needs for looked after children, care leavers, and children and adults with disabilities. This case study is part of the LGA's Housing Advisers Programme.

Torbay Council supporting the elderly through housing

LGA housing adviser funding secured Housing LIN consultants to carry out qualitative research on the housing aspirations of older people in Torbay.

A regional approach to assessing the risk of market failure

The East Midlands Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Network group commissioned a project on how to assess the risk of market failure at a regional and sub-regional level. This project was based on the premise that early communication between authorities can enable interventions to prevent market failure, or help manage the impact of any failure. The project was supported by the LGA through the Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP).

View allAdult social care articles