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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Applying Behavioural Insights to encourage early payment of rent arrears

Councils are constantly seeking to deliver efficiencies and boost income, which makes revenue collection a logical area of focus. At Brent, Social Engine was appointed as our productivity expert, and their expertise was used to design and deliver a randomised control trial (RCT) to test application of behavioural insights to the rent arrears recovery process.

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Review of placements team

The Productivity Experts Programme grant funding supported the redesigning of the commissioning of our placement function for Children’s Services and considering future integration with the Adult’s services; as well as developing effective performance management processes and systems, and a quality assurance framework.

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Space for Regeneration| Railway Redevelopment & City Centre Transformation for Housing in Plymouth

Region: South West Theme: Regeneration, Housing (in OPE), Land Release Fund (LRF)

View allOne Public Estate articles

Northumberland County Council: the art of good communication

The council set up an online relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) portal to provide resources and quality assured information to teachers and parents. This case study is an example of the many pro-active and positive approaches which local authorities are taking to support inclusive RSE.

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Regulator hub potential

As part of a transformation project, the council set about exploring ways in which it could operate regulatory activity more effectively and efficiently. This case study forms part of the productivity experts resource.

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Cornwall Council: creating Digital Cornwall

In December 2017 Cornwall Council underwent a corporate peer challenge which called for the organisation to embark on a ‘digital revolution’ to transform service delivery to customers.

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Encouraging channel shift through digital take up

Allerdale Borough Council is a small borough council with big ambitions. What we do, we do well but we need to do it more effectively and at a lower cost.

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Harrow Council: co-located all age disability service for social care, education and health

A new integrated adult Community Learning Disability (LD) Team has been uniquely co-located with children’s social care and education services in purpose-designed premises to improve outcomes for residents of all ages with disabilities.

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Using Behavioural Insights to improve the uptake of support services for drug and alcohol misuse in Hartlepool

A mixed method approach was adopted and a pragmatic behavioural insights framework was employed to inform the redesign of the service offer with the aim of making treatment uptake easy, attractive, timely and social (EAST). We explored factors affecting treatment uptake through a behavioural insights survey (Phase 1) collected between September 2018 and January 2019, and qualitative interviews (Phase 2) with HART service users conducted between October 2018 and May 2019. Recommendations were implemented between September and December 2019. We used routinely collected data to compare service uptake rates pre and post service redesign.

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Remote council meetings - Norfolk County Council

Norfolk County Council already have processes set up to broadcast Full Council, Cabinet and Scrutiny meetings on YouTube for public viewing.

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