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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Your search returned 262 results

Introducing a sustainable commercial approach to transformation

Lichfield District Council faced significant financial and services challenges and decided to address these through the creation of an innovative transformation programme with a commercial core. Using a variety of specialist advisors, the programme introduced a range of solutions to; increase income, optimise investment, innovate to reduce costs and improve the customer experience. This case study forms part of our productivity experts resource.

View all Efficiency and income generation articles

Maximising a Council’s soft assets in a leisure context

A project which commenced over three years ago with initial support from the LGA’s Productivity Experts Programme and phase one will launch in June 2019.

View all Efficiency and income generation articles

Transforming and digitising the refuse and recycling service

Introducing a communication and tracking system into the council's refuse vehicle fleet for both residential and business collections. Combined with new, enhanced online forms this will optimise collection rounds and provide near real-time information exchange.

View all Digitalisation articles

Transforming public services in West Suffolk

Region: East, South East Theme: Integrated Public Services, Locality Reviews

View allOne Public Estate articles

Encouraging response to the annual electoral registration canvas

The Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) must send a canvass form (known as a HEF) to every residential address in the registration area. In Pembrokeshire this is approximately 64,000 properties. This case study forms part of our behavioural insights resource.

Coventry and Warwickshire Place Forum

Coventry and Warwickshire STP will become an integrated care system (ICS), and partners have agreed the geography of four integrated care partnerships as the basis for delivering place-based services and support, with a model of integrated local teams combining to deliver primary care, social care, community healthcare and wellbeing support in local hubs.This case study forms part of our integrated care system (ICS) resource.

North East Lincolnshire Place Board

North East Lincolnshire has a history of strong partnership working. As part of a long-standing Section 75 arrangement, the council is responsible for commissioning and providing children’s services, while the clinical commissioning group (CCG) is responsible for adult social care. This case study forms part of our integrated care systems (ICS) resource.

St Helens People’s Board

In 2016, partners in St Helens realised they had to do something radically different to tackle growing costs and demand and make the best use of available resources. They undertook development sessions with the LGA and others, and decided to implement an ambitious and rapid programme of transformation. This case study forms part of our integrated care system (ICS) resource.

Bath and North East Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board

Bath and North East Somerset is one of the three ‘places’ in the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP), which is working to become an integrated care system. This case study forms part of our integrated care system (ICS) resource.

East Riding of Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board

East Riding is an area within Humber Coast and Vale Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, which is establishing several integrated care partnerships (ICPs). This case study forms part of our integrated care systems (ICS) resource.