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Bolton Council's fortnightly strategic housing overview: week 9 – 10 (March 2018)

Bolton Council has been producing a fortnightly housing update and has been circulating it to a wide audience including councillors, council staff and external partners. In order to recognise this as a good practice and promote Bolton's initiative we will be featuring the update fortnightly. It contains the latest national policy developments on housing and planning, all of which will have a direct relevance for local authorities. We hope you find this useful.

Contents of Housing Update Week 9  10 (March 2018)

Housing Update Week 9 - 10 March 2018 (PDF) – on the Bolton Council website

  1. Prime Minister launches new planning rules to get England delivering homes for everyone
  2. ‘Record profits’ for housing associations
  3. PfP Capital launches £550 million build-to-rent fund
  4. PDF: U.K. social housing providers to borrow £12 billion of new debts by 2020, total debt to reach £89 billion
  5. New money to build homes stalled by planning
  6. Housing First is only part of the solution to ending homelessness, according to new research
  7. 'No better time for housing organisations to commit to tackle domestic abuse.'
  8. Housing Secretary Fails To Spend £72m Affordable Homes Cash Despite UK-Wide Crisis
  9. PDF: Nationwide House Price Index February 2018
  10. Thatcher’s crusade to wipe out council housing faces serious challenge
  11. Calls for government to commit to affordable housing
  12. Housing planning news, March 2018
  13. 'Nimby' councils failing to build enough homes will lose planning powers, says Javid
  14. Councils still without extra powers to crack down on empty homes
  15. Number of long-term empty homes on the rise
  16. ‘Renters in for a rough ride’ in 2018
  17. Building a future housing workforce
  18. Leaseholders urged to claim their share of £500m 'unfair ground rent'
imageHousing Rights Information website

Need accurate information on the housing entitlements of migrants, refugees and other new arrivals in England? Find the answers at the Housing Rights Information website.

This new Chartered Institute (CIH) website has up-to-date information on the legal entitlements for all types of migrant - whether they apply as homeless, want accommodation through the waiting list or letting scheme, or apply for housing benefit. The new site gives guidance which covers the full details of different entitlements for different kinds of immigration status.

Main features

  • The site is split into two sections: one for new arrivals themselves, and a section with more detailed guidance for practitioners and those giving advice.
  • There are general explanations for new arrivals of how the English housing system works and the differences between local authorities and housing associations.
  • There is detailed guidance for practitioners on the law and Government guidance on homelessness, lettings and housing benefit.
  • The site currently applies to England: CIH hopes to expand its coverage to Scotland and Wales in 2011. The English site will be updated as the law changes.

Housing Rights Information website