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Warrington Borough Council: No Wrong Door service

Warrington Borough Council implemented the No Wrong Door programme and runs the service from it's dedicated 'The Lighthouse' hub as a way of providing support to young people who are within or on the edge of the care system.

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No Wrong Door Warrington launched on 1 April 2021, following success in implementing the No Wrong Door model of intervention in North Yorkshire. Warrington was shortlisted and selected as a partner council for the programme. 

Young people and families in need of support are referred to the No Wrong Door programme by social workers from the council's social work team. The programme is run from it's dedicated hub - ‘The Lighthouse' which replaces traditional council-run children’s homes with a range of integrated provision.


Watch a video from Registered Manager for the service, Chantelle, and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People for the council, Councillor Sarah Hall who explain how it works, the benefits for young people and families and why it's so important.



Further information

More details about Warrington's implementation of the No Wrong Door programme and it's Lighthouse provision can be found on the council's website.