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Using rightsizing to better meet the community's housing needs: Isle of Wight Council

Isle of Wight Council took a partnership approach to rightsizing to deliver a project aimed to assist households to rightsize homes to better meet their needs, to help address under occupation and overcrowding.

At a glance

Housing Advisers Programme case study

2021/22 cohort 

Executive summary

Rightsizing is about social housing tenants living in homes of a size suited to their needs. Initial analysis by the Isle of Wight Council indicated there are a significant number of households under-occupying larger social housing homes on the Isle of Wight. These larger homes, especially those with four beds, are in high demand with families on the housing waiting list and living in overcrowded households. The Council identified a need to review whether existing social housing stock was being used most effectively and efficiently to address housing need.

By coordinating an approach across all RPs who work on the Island we aimed to transform the approach to rightsizing homes.

At present each RP has a different approach to how they promote, manage and deliver opportunities for residents to move to accommodation that meets their needs. This does not help residents understand or navigate their opportunities for moving home.

It was important to recognise that residents may still require an additional bedroom, so the local authority will need to ensure their policies reflect this and allow this when it is a rightsizing move.

We aimed to provide a clear and consistent approach and offer for customers, RP’s working on the Island will need to work in partnership and adapt policies to reflect the approach on the Island.

What we did

The Council commissioned Altair to review approaches to rightsizing, including levels of occupancy on the Island, factors that might influence tenants when it comes to moving, and considerations for housing providers when it comes to rightsizing approach.

A consultant was employed to undertake research to inform a new policy on rightsizing and under or over occupation for social housing tenants and registered providers on the Island. 

Focus group meetings were set up with registered providers on the Island to discuss their approaches to rightsizing and to find common ground on a whole Island approach.

Registered providers provided contact details for households who are overcrowding or under occupying. Households were contacted via survey and telephone interviews.

Findings were presented to registered providers, providing opportunities to vote on a range of options.

A formal Rightsizing Policy was drafted and agreed with RPs. 

The difference we made

Partners came together to work on a common issue and agreed a common approach for the Island going forward for rightsizing, helping to elevate the housing crises on the island.

Going forwards there will be a Rightsizing Protocol (adapted from the policy) and regular meetings to ensure joint working. 

What's next?

A working group has been set up to ensure that joint working continues and issues around delivery can be addressed. There is also a commitment to try and find funding for an officer to support this. 

A HomeSwapper event will be held to promote Rightsizing opportunities and this will be done in partnership with RPs and Isle of Wight Council.

Lesson learned

Funding is the key challenge to delivery of additional support to encourage rightsizing. 

Working together has helped create a route to joint working around this issue, and this will include joint promotion of the benefits of rightsizing. 


Dawn Lang 

Strategic Manager Housing Enabling and Delivery