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Thrive and survive

Hertfordshire’s ‘Thrive and Survive’ work began before the pandemic and was in response to an increase in suicides among university students.

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A project group was set up taking in public health, a senior educational psychologist and the strategic lead for mental health in schools.

The group co-produced an online resource based on the five ways to wellbeing, creating a guide that offered emotional as well as practical advice.

The guide includes checklists for young people to take a moment to consider what they know – do they know how to register with a GP for example - thus prompting some thinking about what they may need as part of looking after themselves.

A section offering support during the coronavirus pandemic is included, recognising the impact it has had on university students. It directs students to the multiagency Just Talk campaign website with its range of information and advice and to online workshops via the Herts Mind Network.