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Supporting Residents in temporary accommodation

East Sussex County Council worked over three months, across the council and partners, prototyping a new multidisciplinary outreach operations team. They provided intensive support to residents in temporary accommodation to enable them to live more independently.

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The team successfully engaged with 24 clients in improving their health and/or housing outcomes through this prototype project. 17 clients were able to address their mental health needs through access to a specialist and medication. 10 clients were supported through a housing crisis situation. 19 clients were able to successfully sustain their temporary housing accommodation and others were able to move to private rented accommodation, social housing and supported accommodation.

The project was able to confirm the value in sharing data between multiple agencies to provide a more holistic view of each case, enabling more effective assessment and management of risk. Co-location of staff supported real-time collaboration, inter-agency learning and communication. The model affirms the value of whole system multi-agency working to support people to live independently.LGA Contact: [email protected]

Council contact:

Lucy McFarlane, Project Manager, Housing and Support Solutions, Adult Social Care & Health, East Sussex County Council

Email: [email protected]