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Southend-on-Sea and Rochford: joint planning across boundaries to deliver regional infrastructure

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council has a track record of collaborative working. One example of this is the Joint Area Action Plan for Southend Airport and its Environs (JAAP). The joint area action plan was a result of partnership working between the Southend Council planning team and neighbouring Rochford Borough Council (with input from Essex County Council) and was adopted in December 2014.

Adopting a partnership approach to the development of a key regeneration area has acted as a catalyst for economic growth within the sub-region.

The greatest attribute of the service in Southend is that it combines strategic planning, development management, building control and enforcement working altogether alongside colleagues in highways, transport planning, cycling and engineering teams to cover the full spectrum of the development process.

Peter Geraghty, Director for Planning and Transport, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

The JAAP which provides for the planned development of Southend Airport and its surrounding area is one of the most significant projects for Southend Council for many years and for the future of the borough.

Since its adoption it has opened opportunities to provide housing, jobs and infrastructure that will support the future development of the town. It was instrumental in securing a share of the £35.6 million awarded from the Local Growth Fund to Southend/Essex County Council for capacity enhancements on the A127 and infrastructure to support Southend’s growth. This was supplemented in January 2015, when the South East Local Enterprise Partnership agreed an additional £3.2 million of government funding for London Southend Airport Business Park.

Key outcomes

  • The project addresses the needs of the growing London Southend Airport, providing high quality employment development.
  • The project provides an integrated solution to sustainable transport infrastructure.
  • New areas of green space, landscaping and public realm have been created.
  • Approximately 7,200 jobs will be delivered via a planned low carbon business park, high tech medical campus and aviationrelated businesses.
  • Sharing costs and resources has resulted in savings for Rochford and Southend Councils.
  • Benefits of the development will be shared between the two authorities and wider community.
  • Pooling of expertise from three authorities and joint working committees of officers and members has resulted in significant efficiencies.
  • Substantial Local Growth Funds were secured in 2014 and 2015.
  • Delivery of infrastructure scheme is underway, with a focus on ensuring the necessary support for investment from the private sector.
  • Southend Council secured a private-sector development partner to implement the plan and the team is working with this partner to prepare a masterplan for the business park.

I am delighted the work that the planning team has done to support the growth and expansion of the airport and the wider infrastructure of the area. From the preparation and development of the JAAP through to dealing with planning applications for airport related developments the team has always adopted a ‘can-do’ attitude and collaborative approach. The work they have done has been fundamental to securing government support and investment which will help secure the future growth of the airport and the town of Southend.

Kate Willard, Head of Corporate Projects Stobart Group, London Southend Airport