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Small sites making a big difference to housing delivery

Harrogate council was keen to understand and evaluate the issues and challenges facing delivery of smaller sites across the district. Looking a fresh at how we interact with landowners, promoters and developers.

Housing Advisers Programme case study

2019/20 cohort

What went in

  • Priority area addressed: Improvements to housing delivery on smaller sites across the whole district.
  • Budget: £35k
  • Other resource needed: The council provided a core project team of officers from across the Place Shaping and Economic Growth Service, liaising with the appointed consultants. Officer time was given in collating planning permission data and assisting with survey preparation/mailing.
  • Time taken to achieve study outcomes: The evidence gathering and draft reporting was carried out between November 2019 and April 2020.  Finalisation of the study faced delays due to officer time being directed to Covid-19 response priorities. However, Officers now have a shared view of actions arising from the study for implementation over the course of 2021.

What came out

  • Deliverables: The study has given us an understanding of what the barriers are to timely site development. It will help us set priorities and actions to sustain improved housing delivery.
  • Difference made/ indication of success: The council can use the study outcomes to target engagement more closely with landowners and developers. It will allow us to implement more effective, creative and coordinated working practices with the aim of improving housing delivery across the District.
  • Statistics: We will be able to check success over the new few years through our housing Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) as well as follow up discussions with applicants and agents.
  • Stakeholder comments:

Head of Planning Policy: “An interesting report with some good food for thought”

Director of Economy and Culture: “There is some good content in the report that can be developed into meaningful actions to take forward”

Executive summary


Alex Robinson, Housing Delivery Improvement Officer, email: [email protected]