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Overcoming financial challenges

Aylesbury Vale District Council is looking for ways to grow their way out of financial challenges as part of an integrated programme of service innovation, investment and change, called the New Business Model. This case study forms part of our commercialisation resource.

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Aylesbury Vale District Council is looking for ways to grow their way out of financial challenges as part of an integrated programme of service innovation, investment and change, called the New Business Model.

The New Business Model is built around three main areas of change:

  • Income generation
  • Cost reduction
  • Investment products

Their income generation programme has generated the following in a single year:

  • Conference centre – £100,000
  • Space letting in offices - £50,000
  • Garden waste service - £450,000
  • Comprehensive planning pre-application service - £70,000

The Council’s cost reduction initiatives have generated the following in a single year:

  • Learning & Development staff restructure and new income - £150,000
  • Combined contract for street cleaning & horticulture - £280,000
  • Re-letting of the leisure contract turning a £300,000 per annum subsidy into a £500,000 per annum income stream
  • Car pool scheme (including loosing all essential and lease payments) - £100,000
  • Moved all servers off site to Amazon

Aylesbury Vale’s investments include a Waitrose and Travelodge development for which borrowing repayment and profit go back to the Council.

Plans for the future

Aylesbury Vale Council is planning to set up a commercial trading arm for consultancy services, and a shared legal service through iESE.

The Council is also making a greater move to collapsing services into more generic provisions (e.g. regulatory service) and is planning a new web site and e-commerce provision alongside automation.


Andy Barton, Business Change & Transition Manager, [email protected]