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Lewes District Food Partnership: Partnering with Lewes District Council to develop a food security strategy

Lewes District Council have recently committed to developing a district wide food security strategy, in conjunction with their Lewes District Food Partnership and Emergency Food Network.

About the programme

Lewes District Council have recently committed to developing a district wide food security strategy, in conjunction with their Lewes District Food Partnership (LDPF) and Emergency Food Network.

This work was instigated by LDFP, who mapped out emergency food providers across the city and identified barriers to food access, such as digital literacy, playing a crucial role coordinating between the council, voluntary sector, and those in food poverty across the district.

The new strategic action plan will detail steps and timelines around sustainable approaches to fuel and food poverty. This action plan will balance the need to meet immediate hardship with the need to create longer-term solutions that can help prevent people falling into crisis

Lewis District Council have immediately committed £50,000 of funding to the network, as part of the councils wider £250,000 cost of living support package. This initial fund will be used by the partnership to help foodbanks meet unprecedently high need in the local area. The remaining £200,000 will be distributed through a grants programme in the autumn and to fund a new dedicated cost of living officer.


Stef Lake, [email protected]