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Ipswich Borough Council & Suffolk County Council: Using local knowledge to identify development sites

Using local knowledge to identify development sites

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Stoke Quay Development

Stoke Quay in Ipswich is a disused area of the Waterfront but down river from the hub of buildings surrounding the University Campus Suffolk buildings.  The land, owned by Genesis Housing Group, has full planning permission for 386 dwellings that includes up to 152 affordable housing units.  The affordable housing includes both rented and shared ownership properties together with supported housing and Extra Care flats. Once extensive archaeological work is finished, a start on site is expected from November 2012.  The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has given significant public funding that will be shared between Genesis and Sanctuary Housing Group (Registered Providers). The architecture will compliment a tower block that exists on the other part of the waterfront and become a feature for this specific area.

Ipswich Borough Council's role was to bring together and negotiate with various stakeholders that included HCA, Suffolk County Council, Genesis and Sanctuary to determine proposed affordable housing based on research and local knowledge. Through discussions and sharing of information, the Registered Providers were successful in receiving the HCA funding.  The scheme will be a success for Sanctuary because after some years not finding a suitable site for re-provision of a supported housing for residents with physical disabilities, Stoke Quay provides an innovative alternative. This resulted through the Council's officer's local knowledge and discussions with Sanctuary leading to a partnership with Genesis.

Development of this Waterfront site will ultimately revive the area as part of the regeneration of disused warehouses, factories and industrial buildings. Once the scheme is fully completed, the mixed tenure of rented, shared ownership and owner occupiers will boost the local community. The development will likely stimulate the local economy plus act as an example for development to continue regenerating a currently neglected part of Ipswich.

This supplements Ipswich Borough Council's plan to build new council homes for the first time for two decades.

Work is set to start later this year on three sites owned by the Council and Council Leader David Ellesmere said: "We believe this will help those seeking quality housing at an affordable cost in Ipswich. Of course, we shall continue our close partnerships with housing associations but this is direct action we can take ourselves. We will also take action to empty private sector homes back into use."

Outcome and impact

Three sites have been identified for the first phase of the construction programme – two small parcels of land in Coltsfoot Road and Whitton Church Lane and a larger site in Bader Close. When these are developed, in partnership with Orwell Housing Association, approximately 110 homes will be available, although the Council's Executive have yet to agree the tenure

This has been achieved by using surpluses on the Housing Revenue Account to fund the construction of the new council houses. This programme will also provide jobs in the local economy.


Clare Lovell, Operations Manager - Housing Development

Ipswich BC

Email: [email protected]