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Health - Establishing health and wellbeing boards case studies - Sandwell

The LGA provided leadership support and development for Sandwell Health and Wellbeing Board during May to September 2012. The support identified the following challenges:

  • managing the whole health and wellbeing agenda
  • developing how the board functions
  • development of partnership working arrangements
  • stakeholder engagement.

The LGA facilitated two workshops which helped the board to agree priorities and shape future working arrangements:

  • governance arrangements and stakeholder engagement, which led to establishment of a ‘virtual executive' (VE) which supports and drives forward the board's priorities
  • board priorities for JHWS, which led to identification of the priorities to focus on for the next two years.

Setting up a VE of lead officers that supports the ongoing development and operation of the HWB is a vital underpinning component to the work of the HWB. This has led to better management of agendas and a more focused work plan based on future statutory responsibilities. The VE provides additional capacity for forward planning so there is greater clarity around the issues that require more ‘in depth' discussion or further development time. The VE is able to think through the issues and seek members' agreement on the most effective way forward. They also progress agreed actions to ensure that they are on target for completion.

In addition, a stakeholder event was held to discuss the priorities and identify key outcomes, as well as views on how to communicate and engage in future, which led to:

  • identification of lead board members for each priority to steer the work on agreeing specific commissioning priorities for a revamped Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013-2015
  • refocusing the programme of joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) work
  • putting a process underway to develop proposals for updating the Communication and Engagement plan in response to stakeholder views and implement existing workplan priorities.

The LGA support programme enabled Sandwell's Health and Wellbeing Board to maintain focus on the areas that required most attention. The facilitated workshops provided dedicated time for the board to reflect on governance issues, stakeholder engagement and priorities for the next two years. They enabled the board to agree a joint approach and the actions required to move forward and work more effectively in the lead-up to taking on their full statutory role next year.