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Daventry District Council

A scheme for 1,000 dwelling and associated development was permitted in 2010.

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Partnership working / s106 re-negotiation

Monksmoor, Daventry

Scheme for 1,000 dwelling and associated development permitted in 2010 on appeal (with the support of the Council) against non-determination by the West Northamptonshire Development Corporation. The site, having been promoted by the landowner, was marketed and Crest Nicolson appointed as developer. However, it was found not viable on basis of the terms of the existing planning obligation. The District Council therefore renegotiated the planning obligation including changing timing of payments, reducing the affordable housing requirement from 35% to 20% and taking on responsibility for delivery of a primary school (thus transferring some risk from the developer). The revised planning obligation is now agreed and a first reserved matters application, for 200 homes, has been made.

New homes to rent, Daventry

The District Council is acting as developer in promoting a scheme for the delivery of 45 homes, 13 affordable rent and 32 for market rent. Due to the legal framework applying the housing directly owned by local authorities, the market rent homes will be held by a company established by the District Council for this purpose (a trading subsidiary), The Daventry Estate Company Limited. The development is now under construction with completion expected late 2013.

A45 Daventry Development Link

The A45 south-east of Daventry is a key constraint to future growth of the town for housing and economic development. The District Council is working with the local County Council to put together a package of resources – made available from the future growth – to enable a new section of road to be provided which removes this constraint. This will unlock at least 2,750 homes.

Outcome and impact

A substantial number of homes, both market and affordable, will be provided which otherwise would not have been. Jobs in construction and supporting industries have been secured.


Simon Bovey

Deputy Chief Executive

Tel: 01327 302400

Email: [email protected]