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Crawley Growth Programme

West Sussex County Council and Crawley Borough Council have agreed a Growth Deal to deliver regeneration schemes to its town centre and business district by improving transport infrastructure, delivering new homes and unlocking new commercial space. By doing so, it aims to support the economic recovery of the borough from the pandemic and deliver long term economic growth.

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The challenge

In 2017, Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex Council signed the Crawley Growth Deal, which represents a mutual commitment by the two councils to combine and align resources to invest in regeneration initiatives across Crawley, primarily in the town centre and Manor Royal which is one of West Sussex’s largest business districts.

In doing so, it is anticipated that it will strengthen the conditions for sustainable growth and unlock opportunities for new homes, jobs and employment space. Its objectives include:

• upgrading the business and living environment in the town centre and Manor Royal

• securing £750 million further investment

• improving sustainable transport infrastructure in the town centre, Manor Royal and at three railway stations

• unlocking private funds for the new Crawley railway station

• unlocking over one million sq ft of new Grade A commercial space

• enabling delivery of 1,000+ new town centre homes

• delivering 7,000 extra jobs.

Since 2020, it has also supported the town’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Delivering on these objectives and supporting Crawley’s economic recovery and long-term growth has underpinned the borough’s economic challenges.

The solution and impact

The Crawley Growth Programme has been established to deliver on the objectives set out in the growth deal. The programme is a £60 million scheme funded by a combination of West Sussex, Crawley Borough Council and capital funding. Some of the priority schemes include large scale physical regeneration projects across the town including Eastern Gateway which is set to rejuvenate the town centre as well as infrastructure improvement works in Manor Royal.

The Eastern Gateway is an £8.85 million development scheme which is due for completion in Summer 2022. It is set to enhance sustainable travel to, from and within Crawley Town Centre by improving pedestrian and cycling facilities, improving urban realm and supporting key development opportunities including county buildings, Crawley College and the New Town Hall. Included in the project, is the provision of 1.8-metre-wide stepped cycle tracks, the decluttering of highways, incorporating soft-landscaping proposals and the maintenance of traffic flows.

In addition, over £2 million is allocated to improving public realm, bus, cycle and walking facilities in Manor Royal. This scheme is being delivered through a partnership between Manor Royal Business Improvement District, Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council who are working together to reduce congestion through junction improvements, improve walking and cycling by creating new pedestrian walkways and cycle lanes, and will reduce bus journey times through the introduction of a new bus lane. Transport infrastructure and highway upgrades in Manor Royal are planned to boost overall transport capacity and encourage the use of sustainable transport methods. These improvements will create a more sustainable Manor Royal and improve user experience and is due to be completed in spring 2023.

Lessons learned

Working in partnership has been key to delivering this work. A partnership approach facilitates capacity to pool assets and resources, coordinate large scale projects and bring momentum for economic improvements. For example, the success of the development schemes in Manor Royal are a tri-partnership between Manor Royal Business Improvement District, Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council. This partnership has been crucial to ensuring that the scheme remains on track to be completed by 2023 and has sufficient funding and programme management resource to deliver on its objectives.

The programme approach to managing capital projects has allowed a flexible approach towards expenditure profiles and this has assisted to achieve projects individual funding profiles whilst remaining agile throughout delivery. Across the programme there was a need to achieve government spend targets within certain years, the programme remained agile and spent across the programme with partners allocating their budgets according to funding profiles rather than by who is/was leading individual projects. This has meant, even when faced with COVID-19 – the Local Growth Fund spent will still be achieved across the programme.

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Emma Verrinder

[email protected]