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Community safety - FGM resource - Case studies

Many councils around the country are already working to tackle FGM. These case studies provide a snapshot of the work being undertaken in a selection of local authorities working towards this aim.

Is there anything from your own experiences of working on FGM that you'd like to share with us?

Would your council like to submit a case study on your own work to tackle FGM?

Please send your responses to Lucy Ellender at [email protected].

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Bristol has created a "Bristol Model" for tackling FGM, focused on community engagement and empowerment, strong partnership working and developing the right services and resources to tackle the issue at a local level..
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This case study demonstrates how effective leadership from politicians, senior council officers and other partners along with engagement from communities affected by Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has resulted in significant progress being made in efforts to end FGM in Coventry.
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Greater Manchester
The 10 boroughs in the Greater Manchester area have coordinated their approach towards FGM to ensure that there is a consistent approach across Greater Manchester to tackling FGM
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London Borough of Lambeth
The London Borough of Lambeth has incorporated FGM into its wider work on violence against women and girls, working with colleagues in partner organisations for a multi-agency approach to tackling the issue.
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London Borough of Newham
The London Borough of Newham has recently commissioned a specialist Female Genital Mutilation Prevention Service.