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Cheltenham Borough Council: What gets measured gets managed

Cheltenham are using Salix funding as part of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) to install a number of sub meters in some of their leisure facilities and listed buildings in order to measure and reduce their energy footprint. The list includes the Pittville Pump Rooms, the leisure centre and their town hall.

The challenge

Efficient use of energy can be a challenge in listed buildings and leisure facilities due to legacy equipment and unmanaged systems. Without understanding the energy consumption of a property, it is difficult to manage and actively reduce energy wastage.

The solution

Salix Finance Ltd. provides Government funding to the public sector to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills. We already have smart meters in some of our buildings which give half hourly data for any energy we use. The sub meters will give us half hourly data for individual equipment or different areas. Using the new systems, we will be able to accurately measure the impact of our current usage and track all the savings we make, both financial and carbon. We can build a much clearer picture of how to run our buildings in the most effective way.

The impact

We are currently completing site surveys with our agreed supplier after tendering via a framework. There will potentially be cost savings of at least 10 per cent. There will also be a great platform to trial energy saving products which we can then roll out through the borough. We believe we can be an example for our area, showing how energy waste can be reduced and then trialling a host of new energy solutions, paving the way for others to follow suit.

How is the new approach being sustained?

The new meters will provide accurate and regular reporting via Stark software and will also enable more exact energy budgeting for each of our buildings. Any saving made from the reduction in energy consumption can be reinvested in further reduction measures.

Lessons learnt

Currently too early to say what lessons have been learnt.


Alex Wells: [email protected]