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Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council: Fuel Your Knowledge

Calderdale Council hosted 'Fuel Your Knowledge', an event attended by people from across health, voluntary, banking and education sectors to understand how partnership working can support those affected by the rising cost of living.

The initiative

Organisations across Calderdale have come together to help understand the best ways they can support residents throughout the cost of living crisis.

Calderdale Council, as part of the borough’s Anti-Poverty Partnership, hosted the 'Fuel Your Knowledge' event at the Shay Stadium in September 2022. The event welcomed over 200 people from across health, voluntary, banking and education sectors to hear more about how working together can support those affected by the rising cost of living.

The Council has a longstanding commitment to work in partnership with statutory and voluntary sector partners to support the borough’s most vulnerable residents.

Increasing costs will affect everyone in the borough, but for those already living in or close to poverty the issues are likely to be more complex, requiring partnership working more than ever.

The event included the launch of the Fuel Your Knowledge campaign, which signposts residents to the support available in Calderdale for extra help during the cost of living crisis, from advice on benefits and building skills, to help with housing, energy efficiency, food and money management. More information is available at the Council’s Money and Wellbeing Information Centre.

Attendees at the event were welcomed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, who spoke about the scale of challenges currently faced by residents and the importance of collaboration.

Further presentations from Council officers and the voluntary sector covered topics including affordable warmth, food support, budgeting skills and digital inclusion. The event also included a marketplace with activity zones on food, fuel and money/digital access, where people could find out more about key projects, schemes and services. 

‘Worried about Money?’ leaflets offering advice and signposting to extra support were also distributed to those attending for organisations to share with residents.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communities, Cllr Jenny Lynn, said:

“We know that it’s a tough time for everyone and people are understandably worried about their finances and their wellbeing. Along with our partners, we want to offer as much support as possible to help residents through the cost-of-living crisis; ensuring that everyone is able to claim the help to which they’re entitled and offering advice to help money go further.

“The Fuel Your Knowledge event was an opportunity for organisations to come together and share insight and information about the stark reality of the challenges faced and how, by working together, we can best support local people.

“The event provided a key opportunity for collaboration between sectors and there was a fantastic turnout, helping local organisations build their knowledge and understanding to make a real difference to the lives of local people.”


Rachel Stewart, [email protected]