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Storm Christoph: Councils prepare for heavy rains and flood risk

The Met Office has issued an “amber warning” for parts of northern and central England today with people living in Yorkshire and the Humber, the North west, east Midlands and the east of England told to prepare for heavy rain and potential floods.

Council staff will be out in force protecting residents and businesses and minimising disruption caused by Storm Christoph, the Local Government Association says today.

The Met Office has issued an “amber warning” for parts of northern and central England today with people living in Yorkshire and the Humber, the North west, east Midlands and the east of England told to prepare for heavy rain and potential floods.

Local authorities in affected regions have been coordinating with emergency service crews, the Environment Agency and other neighbouring councils to ensure that help is at hand should the forecast high winds and heavy rains bring with it property damage and disruption to the roads and local services.

To cover the possibility of flooding, councils in at-risk areas are highlighting the dangers of flash floods, which can wreak havoc across communities in just minutes.

The Local Government Association is urging home owners and businesses at risk from flash flooding to be prepared. This means regularly checking forecasts; knowing how to turn off gas, electricity and water; and having a contingency plan for moving essential items upstairs quickly.

Cllr David Renard, Environment spokesperson for the LGA, said:

“Council staff continue to work around-the-clock to prepare for further severe storms to ensure the safety of residents, homes and businesses, shore up flood defences, and protect road networks and power supplies as much as possible.

“Winter preparation is a key priority for councils, who develop comprehensive plans to cope with any bad weather and protect residents and businesses. Councils and Local Resilience Forums will be reviewing these plans to ensure any evacuations required in the event of flooding can be provided in as COVID-secure a way as possible.

“Councils are preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. They will share flood warnings and other relevant information so people should make sure they regularly check their council’s website and social media and follow their advice.”