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Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection

The LGA pays tribute to the social care workforce and the vital work and support they delivered through the COVID-19 pandemic and remember those who sadly lost their lives.

Today marks Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection. The day is to reflect on the vital work and support of the social care workforce through the COVID-19 pandemic and remember those who sadly lost their lives.

People are encouraged to visit the Memorial Wall and Thank You Wall, created by The Care Workers Charity to leave a tribute to a lost loved one, a thank you to a care worker who has provided vital support to you or someone you know, or a well done to a colleague who worked hard to help keep the people they support safe during the pandemic.

Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“The social care sector faced some of the toughest conditions that the pandemic created. Care workers, those working for councils and providers and colleagues in all other supporting roles, worked tirelessly to help keep clinically vulnerable people safe and did their very best to support the wellbeing of all people who draw on social care. It is absolutely right to honour the dedication and commitment of the workforce, which has been so evident over the last two years.”

“For this selfless work, some paid the ultimate price and sadly lost their lives. It is up to us to keep their memory alive and thank and remember them whenever we can.”